bus: Bariloche ↔ Puerto Montt / Varas

Buses between Bariloche and Puerto Montt-Puerto Varas only run during the day, with most services departing during the morning.

7 to 9 hours

The trip can take between 7 and 9 hours, depending on the number of people waiting to pass through customs at the border of Chile and Argentina. Tickets can be purchased at the bus terminal in Bariloche, Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas or Osorno, or online. There are more services from Bariloche to Puerto Montt than Bariloche to Puerto Varas. All buses stop at the Osorno bus terminal.

The length of the trip may depend on the time it takes to clear customs at the border. In summer it usually takes longer extending the duration of the trip.

* The map shows the bus route, but the duration of the trip shown on this map is for a private car and does not include the time it takes to pass through customs at the border.

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