

If you have an emergency, communicate with the Cochamó's Carabineros or Bomberos.

Carabineros de Cochamó (local police)

+56 65 2765136
+56 65 765280
+56 65 218268

Firefighters of Cochamó

+56 65 2216216 

General Visitor Questions

To obtain general information apart from what you may find on, you can communicate with the tourism office of Cochamó or Sernatur (National Tourism Services).

Communication in the Cochamó Valley

Once in the valley, there is no communication in or out. There is no cell phone coverage, electrical power or telephone lines.
* If you plan to visit the valley, it's important to inform your family and friends that you will not be able to communicate once in the valley.


Reserving ahead of arrival in Cochamó Valley is essential for your visit. The valley has a strict max capacity. Long weekends and high season (January, February) commonly reach their max. Please reserve your place in Cochamó Valley to ensure a hassle-free visit.

Camping La Junta

Because of its isolated location, there is no telephone. Please refer to the link below.

Refugio Cochamó

Because of its isolated location, there is no telephone. Please refer to the link below.

Agrupación de Arrieros

The group in charge of packhorses and horseback.

Reservas Valle Cochamó

Other options for lodging / camping and their contacts.


Buses between Puerto Montt - Cochamó

Buses Estuario de Reloncavi

Buses Trans H.A.R Ltda

If you have a comment, correction, suggestion or wish to add content, you can email us at Please, this contact does not receive general questions about your visit to Cochamó.
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