bus: Puerto Montt / Varas ↔ Cochamó

Puerto Montt / Puerto Varas ↔ Cochamó

Sometimes having updated schedules between Puerto Montt / Puerto Varas and Cochamó is not easy. The companies that operate this route change their schedules very frequently. Below is an Instagram post that generally maintains the latest schedules.

Las Impresas

Buses Estuario Reloncaví
+65 2 841 200, +56 9 7940 3630
Booth #42 in Puerto Montt's bus station

Buses Rio Puelo
+56 9 9123 0838, +56 9 7408 9199
Booth #47 in Puerto Montt's bus station

Buses Transhar
+65 2 254187, +56 9 7759 2237
Booth #44 in Puerto Montt's bus station

From Puerto Montt there are generally four daily services to the town of Cochamó and the Cochamó River bridge. During high season there are usually more services. The trip takes between 2½ and 3½ hours.

To Cochamó Valley's Trailhead

There are options during the high season of buses that drop you off at the Cochamó Valley trailhead.

* Please note that some buses leave too late to arrive at the entrance time to the trail. The trailhead closes at 3:00 p.m. and after this time it is not accessible until the next day. Please do not insist.

Catching the bus in Puerto Varas

If you want to catch the bus in Puerto Varas, be aware that it does NOT stop at the bus station. It stops on the main downtown avenue. Check the map.

If the bus in full when departing from Puerto Montt, it will NOT stop in Puerto Varas. This happens frequently during high season. It is advisable, therefore, to take the bus directly from Puerto Montt during the busiest times.

Caleta, Puelche

If traveling by public transportation from Puelo to Horno Piren, there is the following option. Schedules may be out of date. You should contact the company directly to ensure the schedules.

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